The Trust’s Purpose

The Trust’s objects are “a) to advance the education of students of the University of Cambridge, including their physical education and development; b) the award of bursaries and scholarships or provision of other financial assistance to young persons at or who have accepted a place at Cambridge University who or whose parents are in need of financial assistance.” The Trustees have absolute discretion to determine how they will follow these objects.

The Trustees’ main efforts to date have been directed towards the annual Hawks Awards to individual sports men and women at Cambridge to support their individual sporting aspirations. We would like to increase the Awards each year.

In addition to expanding the current range of support to individuals, the Trustees would wish in the future to:

  • Make occasional much larger individual Awards (where, for example, major international potential can be identified).
  • Support clubs or teams on a general basis.
  • Consider supporting the establishment or development of sporting facilities.

The Trustees are also able to make grants to support the Hawks’ Club, the Ospreys Club and other University sports clubs, and members wishing to support those clubs can ask the Trustees to use their donations for this purpose. In making grants to these clubs, the Trustees have to exercise their discretion as to whether the activities of the clubs which they support conform with the Trust’s objects, but if they decide that they do, then the wishes of the donors will be observed.


How we have used your donations

Over the years we have been able to increase the level of awards year on year.  In the last 10 years, we have disbursed a total of £254,850.  The recipients of that money are listed in the Previous Awards section.


Ways to donate

You can make a donation to the Trust online via the secure GoCardless system, or if you prefer, complete and return the downloadable PDF form.

To make a regular or one-off donation via Direct Debit click here, and complete the form.

By post

Download and complete this PDF.  Post to

The Hawks’ Charitable Trust
18 Portugal Place
United Kingdom

Via the payroll or with share gifts

Download this PDF for more information

From overseas

Download this PDF for more information on the best options

To arrange a legacy

Contact The Hawks’ Charitable Trust
or calling +44 (0)1223 314 666

See how your donations help

Sebastian Tullie (Rugby)

In this time I have been part of a Cuppers winning side...

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Lawrence Peplow (Fencing)

“Since joining Cambridge in October 2014, I have competed for the Men’s...

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Claire Lambe (Rowing)

“I came to Cambridge to study for a one year MPhil in...

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Jamie Giddins (Racquets)


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